Week 1

I semi knew what to expect, going into 10-week transformation. One of my good friends had done it the year prior, and after seeing her transformation and how she felt, I wanted to give it a try. I had a few goals in my head going into the process. My best friend is getting married later in the year so I wanted to look nice in my bridemaid’s dress. I don’t feel confident wearing dresses, especially after having a baby. I had my daughter 18 months ago and had lost all baby weight. I still didn’t feel fit, and especially didn’t like my muffin top. I wanted to look the way I did pre-baby. So I have a few kilos to lose and build some muscles to get stronger. Down the road, baby number will come along and I want to be super fit! Prior to doing my weekly grocery shop, I had prepared a meal plan to figure out what exactly I needed. Then off to the shops! When I got home I was in full prep mode. I even made my husband snacks for the week. I was ready to go for week1. This week I did two Monday and Friday boot camp sessions, the beach session on Saturday (which is really fun!), a personal coaching session, a 4km walk with my daughter and also played a round of golf. I felt I had done well in my first week. Although Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday sessions were really tough classes that by Thursday I felt drained. I had no energy and felt a little moody. Apparently this feeling is normal. By Sunday, I was ready for another rest day. I felt great for the work and effort I put into my food and exercise in week 1.


Week 2

I didn’t do the meal planning like I did in Week 1, but I followed the same guidelines with a few substitutes. The feedback from my coach was great. She is trying to get me to eat eggs which I don’t really like so it’s a challenge both for her and for me. I’m feeling like I have more energy and getting a little bit stronger. It sounds a little weird for me to say this, I went from one exercise session per week to four to five sessions per week including walking. Having a 19-month old who is not in child care can make going to the preferred 8:30am session a little tricky. So I decided to try the 5:30am session. While 4:45am is an early start, I really enjoyed the early morning workout. Yes, there are 6:30pm classes, but I can’t always make those. Plus, doing the 5:30am workout gives me a great start to my day! This week, some of my dinner meals were a bit bland, and I wasn’t as motivated. I was stuck with it. Come Thursday, again I was really drained, but not moody this time. All part of the process I’m told. Again, my feedback was good. I just need to work on more protein and water in-take!


Week 3

This week I had more motivation to do more exercise. I’m usually doing the three Warrior boot camp sessions, an intense session and the occasional walks with my daughter. By this week, I decided to try jogging while I was doing my walk. I don’t like jogging or running but I want to get better at it. So baby steps, right? on my 5km walked I had jogged about 2km that made me felt proud of myself because I was going it on my own terms and also because I wanted to! I also went for a walk up Pearl Hill which I hadn’t ever done before. While I felt motivated with more exercise, I felt less motivated when it came to food. While I still ate healthy, I just found it a burden this week. It’s not that I don’t have enough time, but I was not in the right headspace for it. I pushed through in spite of it and made myself not take the easy option by getting take-out. It can be really tough at times, but I’m thankful that husband is supporting me through this. Now on to a new week!


Week 4

I was a bit of a rough week for me. I developed some pain in my right foot which led me to not being able to give 100%. I also had a session that was very mentally tough for me. It was the first time I said, “I can’t do it!” in such a long time and it really got to me. I knew I just had to keep pushing through the mental block though. On to a new week!


Week 5

I’ve set some new personal goals this week. I had a challenging week with my food diary with being out of the country for a few days. I tried really hard to stick to my healthy diet, but so hard when the local food is so deliciously unhealthy! But I tried really hard!


Week 6

Half way there and I had a great week! I’m mentally back on track and was excited when we got back from out holiday to start the boot camp sessions again. We headed to KL for the weekend and I was in a good frame of mind to keep up with my healthy eating! It can be hard, especially when I go out of town. But I was determined to make it happen! Unfortunately though, my sleep started to go downhill due to my daughter getting sick.


Week 7

Life happens. My daughter got sick end of last week and then it was passed on to me. So I couldn’t attend the regular boot camp sessions. So again, I just kept up with the clean and healthy eating.


Week 8

I had a physio appoitment this week for my foot and I was told no hard impact exercise for two weeks. I substituted with light walks around my neighbourbood. I have been noticing my clothes fitting differently. So I’m feeling very proud of myself even the past few I haven’t done as much intense exercise as I’d like to.


Week 9

Still couldn’t do hard impact exercises, so again, lots of light walking. My daughter got sick again, so my sleep has been affected which made me very tired this week. I’m almost at my weight goal, 100g to go (according to my scale)! SO incredibly happy!


Week 10

The last week! I’m very proud of myself. The past few weeks I haven’t been able to attend many boot camp sessions, but I tried really hard to keep a good food diary. It’s been a challenging 10 weeks both mentally and physically, but I completed all but one of my goals. My main goal was my weight! I didn’t have a lot to lose, but it’s always those last few that are the hardest. And I was surprised at my final measurement. In a good way! I’d recommend this transformation to anyone!

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