My first Warrior bootcamp session was in September 2014. I just had started bootcamp in the Netherlands, so I was happy to know there was Warrior Bootcamp in Penang! However, there was one big difference the climate!!! When I told my friends and family back home about my new workout in Penang, they thought I was crazy. Doing outdoor exercise on a tropical island? Especially me, as I am always complaining about the heat during summer time in The Netherlands. But I have been coming back to sessions since this first class- why? I think I found that this type of workout suits me well. We do a lot in one hour- endurance, strength- and you can do it all at your own pace, or just follow the strong ones as I did in my first year when I was trying to keep up with Kirsty, Cameron, and Nathan 😉 Thanks guys for pushing me. Another great thing about Warrior that encourages me to come back is the fun, sporty group of people! And good coaches who always push me through the sessions and keep me motivated to come back! (Unfortunately its hard to see great coaches leaving. Miss you Marianne and Laurel.) My husband, Joost, also started Warrior bootcamp. I must say another big motivation for me to train harder is to show him how strong I am 😉 ha. Its fun to be in the same Warrior community as him, and understand that the other person has to wake up early to train, or needs extra rest during the day. I like it that Warrior sessions are for every age group! Keep on going with Warrior Family Days! We loved to see our children doing their Spartan race last time in KL.
As a child I was very sporty- I played field hockey, I did sailing races, gymnastics, and every day I biked 10 km to school. We had a garden with a big climbing rack/ monkey bar where I basically spent my afternoons after school. This was the time that people often called me ‘a little monkey’! As a teenager and young mom I was busier with other things and did less exercise. At this stage I slowly gained 10 kg. Since I started bootcamp and made more time for my exercise, I slowly got stronger and stronger. And after signing up for my first Spartan race and OT (Warriors Operation Transformation Program) the weight went away very fast. I also realized that not only did I require exercise to make me fitter, but I also needed a healthy diet. Not only to lose weight, but just to make sure I got all the right nutrition and energy my body needed. I try to exercise 4 times a week now. My body needs resting days too. But when I miss a session I feel bad and try to make it the next day! This must be the Warrior commitment spirit! I feel that I am in the best shape of my life since maybe my childhood days? During my Spartan races I realized the little monkey in me is back! Since we are leaving Penang at the end of June to return to The Netherlands, I want to take this opportunity to thank the amazing Warrior group! I really hope to see all of you in one of the Spartan races in Europe!! Can you imagine training in a cold climate? 😉