Cheng, as a promising athlete even from a young age, had represented his school and Penang state in various sports like football, badminton, track and field, handball and softball. As a keen sportsman, he kept with these activities until today.

As he once personally suffered an ACL injury, Cheng values the importance of a proper coaching program that helps prevent injuries. Becoming a Warrior Fitness coach had enabled him to be a certified NASM Group Personal Training Specialist and Spartan SGX Coach. His objective is to encourage others to get to fit and healthy by leading by example. Having participated regularly in various competitive running, cycling and obstacle races, he even achieved podium finishes in the recent Spartan Races and has competed in the Spartan World Championships 2016 and 2017.

His message to those joining Warrior Fitness, “Never be afraid to start as a beginner, because everyone was once a beginner. Do your best, trust the coaches, and you will see results.”


  • Warrior Fitness Coach – Level 1
  • NASM group personal trainer
  • Spartan SGX Coach

Favourite warriors session : Warrior Raw

Fastest 5km time : 19:48

Pre race food : banana, peanut butter toast and coffee

Current sports : obstacle racing, trail running.

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